Thursday, January 11, 2007

My Ski Lift Will Be Open Tomorrow!

We had single digit cold weather this morning and the "Spruce Triple Lift" should be open when I punch in tomorrow. Sunapee Resort was making snow all day yesterday and today and all lifts most likely will be running by the weekend. I've been running the main lift, "The Sunapee Express" for 2 weeks now and I can't wait to be at the "Spruce". Here's what it looks like:

These are last year's pix and here I am working the post:

I hope to get a good picture of it tomorrow! Hopefully, we'll have enough snow.

While browsing through my pictures last year, I found a great snow scene of our front yard. Here it is with about 5 inches of snow:


Anonymous said...

I love the snow, but not to drive or live in it... Joe was thinking that it would be fun once we retire, I don't know......

Roberta said...

The picture of the lift makes me think of Star Wars, what with the snow and the large, angular metal dealy. When we come visit next year, Ry and I want to go skiing!! (Well, technically, Ryan wants to go snowboarding, but seeing as I've only ever snowboarded one day in my whole life, I could go either way...)

My stupid dial up connection won't let me load the picture of you minding the post, so I'll have to wait until I go back to school/work on Tuesday to take a look.

Tom said...


The snow is fun! Wouldn't you like to leran to ski or snowboard; ride on an snowmobile; ice skate outside on a lake or pond? Don't you get sick of having only 2 seasons a year in Arizona? It's no different than living on the coast of California...BOOOORRRING!

Tom said...


This winter and even next season, I'll have 6 free passes that I can use for anyone who wants to ski at Sunapee. So you and RA can definitely do some skiing or snowboarding with me. (Your mother will come along to watch us and she'll bring the Bengay.) You can also take advantage of our hot tube when you get back to our house if needed.

Anonymous said...

In your comment to me you asked me "Didn't I want to learn to ski, or snowboard?"

Then in your comment to Roberta, you told her that her mother would bring the BenGay and you could use the hot tub....

Any activity that you have to preplan the healing process is one I have to give great thought to....

Roberta said...

But Missy, sinking into a tub of bubbling hot water when you're totally broken and frozen (talk about an endorphin rush) is the best part of the day! Especially when accompanied by a steaming mug of hot cocoa, or even a hot toddy for afterward! You will never sleep so well as after a day on the slopes, especially if you're like me and have no physical prowess whatsoever...